SW + Utility = Free Flights!

******Warning that is an actual equation that works!

I’m excited that I found something that just might make the equation work for me.   I recently discovered that living in particular State I live in could possibly make me eligible to switch my utility provider and earn quite a few Southwest airline miles in the process.  How many is quite a few, let me tell you.  Switching to NRG Energy will provide me 10,000 miles after two months.  If I happen to have a Southwest Rapid Rewards Credit Card (got me there as well!) I could also earn an additional 2,500 miles plus a total of 3 miles for everyone 1 dollar I spend on my energy bill.  So minimum mileage gained would be 12,500 which is enough to get a free flight if I play my cards right.  If you aren’t a Southwest Rapid Rewards Credit Card owner then the 10,000 in miles and 2 miles for 1 dollar you spend on your energy bill be assigned to your Rapid Rewards account.   Pretty cool, huh?

Okay, so here is where the rubber meets the road…regardless of the Southwest miles, I didn’t want to spend more for energy even for a few months.   Well it turns, out this program locks in my electricity and my natural gas cost per unit for 3 months at a lower rate than my current utility.   And before you raise your eyebrows about that – yes, I checked it, I logged into current energy provider’s website pulled up my last bill and check both my electrical cost per kW and my natural gas cost per therm.  I compared it to locked in price and BINGO!  

So I figured if nothing else 3 months of slightly less expensive utility bills and a minimum of 12,500 Southwest miles is worth the experiment.  The worst that could happen is that after 3 months the rates go up and I have to switch back.  I’m definitely willing to try it.  Interested in trying it yourself?  Here are the steps:

1.) You must live in the following States:

Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey or Pennsylvania.  Texas is also available but its a slightly different set up.

2.) Click on the link.

3.) Follow the steps provided on the link and sit back, wait for the Southwest miles to start rolling in!

Please note the above link NOT an affiliate link.