eBay Saves the Day!

It didn’t start very well.  First, I posted my perfumes on a local Facebook “Moms” group hoping that get these lovely bottles of headache inducing misery out of my house.   Unfortunately, within 6 hours of my post it was flagged as inappropriate.  Seriously!?  Inappropriate!  The reasons it was not allowed “according the group” I was selling  (for mind you $1 each) that they did not meet its requirements.   I read the requirements that I was failing to meet not once but twice and frankly, perfumes were not listed as “banned”.     I could understand not allowing me to sell some half used tube of mascara (don’t worry, I’m not that desperate)  but perfume…how does spritzing yourself with a product contaminate it?   Maybe someone can explain this to me!   So begrudgingly, I deleted my post and feeling somewhat exasperated, I went back to thinking what other options I had.  

Shortly after I decided on a whim to look up a Buy Nothing group. (If you aren’t familiar with a Buy Nothing group check them out here.)   The premise is that one joins said group and you can then hence forth trade items with fellow members.  Seems like a great option, so maybe, just maybe, I could find a local group.   I found one and applied and……Rejected!  I wasn’t within the boundaries of said local group.  The groups are “hyper” local so “hyper” local I was one cross street too far out of the area.  GRRRR!  

So what other options do I have at this point…Enter EBay!  I initially thought that was a super long shot but I started looking up some of the perfumes I had in my collection.   Let me just say, I hit pay dirt!  I found ALL of the perfumes I had already listed on eBay, most of them had a “pre-owned” listing.  Pre-owned was literally perfumes some half used that were up for sale.  It really goes to show you, you really can sell almost anything on eBay.   I hadn’t logged into my eBay account since I bought something for kid at Christmas and I saw had notifications on my account.  I would normally have ignored the notifications because they seem to be a lot spam but on whim I decided I’d read them.  Guess what, I had in my email box that eBay was offering 50% off posting fees for next 5 days.  Ummm…..SOLD!  Not only do, I now have a chance of getting these out of my house, I might make a buck AND eBay is offering me a discount on top of it. Could I have possibly just stumbled upon a win-win-win scenario?  Boom, in less than 24 hours, I have one bid and one offer to buy another out right and in the end I sold 6 of 8 after the first listing.  I am now $80 richer after shipping materials and ebay fees.  Not bad if I do say so myself.  Now, I’m going to figure out what else I can sell (putting on my thinking cap now).


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